Spastic Matters

Contains whatever hobbies, interests, or enlightenments I am currently having. Warning; it tends to be spastic.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Kara Suggestions

Player 1
How did you like your Kara run? You can view the stats on under the Kara forums. I thought I would give you a suggestion on improving your DPS, but as always play as you like. Instead of using Eviscerate use Slice and Dice first, it will give your off hand weapon more attacks which equals more damage. Also try Blade Furry when attacking more than one mob. Doesn’t look like you got any new loot, but maybe next time :D

Player 2
Grats on your new mace! I looked at your Kara stats on the under the Kara forums and have another suggestion. Your Shiv hits for only 225 damage; when your Sinister Strike hits for 472 so you should use it instead of Shiv. Nice job keeping up Slice and Dice and using Blade Furry!


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