I have an idea
This is what I am noticing about my Naxx runs. I stink at trash, but I am ruling on bosses. My sustained dps is very nice, but my burst dps on trash is lacking badly. I will chalk it up to my difficult rotation and that fact I can only get half my spells up by the time the trash goes down. I have a new crazy idea though. I am going to keep my current rotation on spell bar 1 and use only on bosses. I am going to set up a second ration for trash mobs on my 2nd spell bar and toggle between the two. Consider this my disclosure that if start to really stink, this is the madness behind it. -heh
Boss rotation
(Opener) 3 HfB, garrote, SnD, Trinket Cooldown
4/5pMut, Rupture, ToT, 4/5pMut, CB if up, Env, HfB-if needed
My spell bar:
1-HfB, 2- Mut, 3-Env, 4-Rupture, 5- SnD, 6-Cold Blood, 7-ToT
Trash rotation
3 HfB, Mut, SnD, 4/5pMut, Eviscerate, (4/5pMut Env)-if mod is still alive!
My Spell Bar:
1-HfB, 2- Mut, 3-Env, 4-Eviserate, 5- SnD,
In the 3hour Nax fight last night Quick Recovery only gave me 180 energy, so I am going to replace it with improves Eviscerate to improve trash DPS.
Also, I am going to install a new casting bar addon(Z, suggested it to me months ago, but never installed one ) This addon will put the casting bar of SnD and HfB at the feet of my toon, so I can monitor them better. I might turn on the “show combat points” option of the interface. It would be more efficient if all we at my feet and not on opposite corners of my screen.
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't bother with a trash 'rotation' any more because it dies so quickly and my guild is rather fond of AOEing. Mostly what I do is take advantage of Overkill to pump out Fan of Knives like there's no tomorrow. Get HfB up, stealh into the pack, hig FoK and start auto-attacking something. COntinue hitting FoK whenever you have enough energy until everything's dead. Unless, of course, your raid group is really fond of focus fire on trash. Then I'd say HfB, Mut, SnD, then Mut/Envenom as needed. Good luck!
At 9:57 AM,
Jenny said…
I will have to try this because changing my rotation for trash mobs, was awful. Not only did it mess with my memory of hotkeys, but my dps SUCKED-hah. I guess it was a noble try, just not a successful one. :( FoK it is-thanks Seri.
At 10:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
I do the same thing as Seri
I add: TotT to shift aggro to the tank.
No sense in doing great DPS only to grab aggro and die (that's a trick for Shammys, not rogues!)
At 2:40 PM,
Aboo said…
I do the ToT/FoK myself. :) Works great.
If you forget ToT though, the healers just laugh at your corpse!
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