Spastic Matters

Contains whatever hobbies, interests, or enlightenments I am currently having. Warning; it tends to be spastic.

Monday, January 05, 2009

WOTLK Pre-raiding Gear for Rogues

Below is my wish list for Pre-raiding Naxx gear.

Head Head of Cheated Fate Drop-Heroic Gundrak
Head Headguard of Retaliation Quest reward-Heroic Dungeon
Neck Pendant of the Outcast Hero 25 Heroism Emblems
Neck Titanium Impact Choker Jewel Crafted
Shoulder Trollwoven Spaulders Leatherwork Crafted
Cloak Cloak fo the Gushing Wounds Drop- Heroic Violet Hold
Cloak Centrifuge Core Cloak Drop-Heroic Oculus
Chest Darkheart Chestguard Exalted with Ebon Blade
Chest Eviscerator's Chestguard Leatherwork Crafted
Bracers Dragonfriend Bracers Exalted with Wryrest
Bracers Drake-Champion's Bracers Drop-Heroic Oculus
Hands Handwraps of Preserved History Quest reward-Heroic Stratholme
Waste Trollwoven Girdle Leatherwork Crafted
Pants Mind-Expanding Leggings Revered-Kirin Tor
Feet Boots of the Neverending Path Exalted-Argent Crusaders
Feet Boots of the Whirling Mist Drop-Heroic Halls of Stone
Ring Hemorrhaging Circle Drop-Heroic Gundrak
Ring Mobius Band Drop-Heroic Stratholme
Ring Titanium Impact Band Jewel Crafted
Ring Band of the Kirin Tor Vendor-8500 gold
Trinket Mirror of Truth 40 Heroism Emblems
Dagger Titansteel Shanker Blacksmith Crafted
Throw Razor-sharp Ice Shards Quest Reward
Throw Lillehoff"s Winged Blades 15 Heroism Emblems


  • At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Jenny,
    get back to posting.
    It's been almost a month!

    PS: good gear list in general.
    My one quibble was the dagger choice.
    You really want that druid-dagger?
    Wouldn't rather buy a nice Librarian's Paper Cutter from the AH?

  • At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Gold Guide for World of Warcraft said…

    good post :)


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