Spastic Matters

Contains whatever hobbies, interests, or enlightenments I am currently having. Warning; it tends to be spastic.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

How many times can a kid pee in two hour?!

Holy crap-pretty much sums up my morning.  After dealing with uber stress levels, I decided to re-consult my action plans to see where things went wrong.  My conclusion is that there is nothing I could have done to slow things down.  I just need to suck it up and go with the flow-even if that flow is like the screaming mimi ride at water world.  
It started with a 5am feeding for Eden.  Nothing can be helped there.  It will be a few more weeks before she weighs enough for her body to allow her to sleep through the night without eating. It can’t happen soon enough!
At 6am, for some unknown reason, Eden woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed?   I have no idea why.  Her normal wake up time is between 7 and 8am.  I should have just woken up and started my morning, but instead I brought her to bed with me and tried to get her back to sleep.  After an hour of her fussing around because I was trying to sleep instead of giving her adequate attention, I really got upset and started to cry.  I knew that I had to quiet her down fast or the kids would wake up, so I plopped her on the boobies to eat even though she was not really hungry yet.  I was not fast enough though because April woke up.
April, being the social person she is, did not want to be awake alone, so she went and woke her brother up.  While trying to feed Eden, I her Logan scream, “get out of my bed!”  And that was that-everyone was up, I might as well get up and start the day.  
Twenty minutes later I get a call from my dad.  He needs me to bring him his extra set of pick-up truck keys to his work because he left his setting his semi and sent it off to be greased and oiled.  I rushed around getting all three kids dressed and ready to go and in a record setting time of ten minutes and we were off to rescue papa.   
Papa was very thankful and wanted to take us to breakfast at McDonalds and I could not refuse.  In the middle of eating, April had to go potty, so we went.  After, while we were washing our hands, papa came and brought me Logan saying he said he had to go also.  “YOU LEFT THE BABY IN THE PLAY AREA!!!!!!” I screamed.  Holy shit, my dad had left the baby sitting in her carseat, on top of our table,  along with my purse which was wide open with money showing.  He was trying to be helpful and get Logan to the potty before he had an accident but OMG, I would have rather Logan taken a huge crap in his pants rather than leaving Eden in the play area alone.  I did not want to freak out on him and no harm was done, so I quickly got over it.  Writing this now, I can see it was just a suppressed freak out not a forgotten one.  
A few minutes after we settled back to our table, Eden started to get hungry and with all the noise, it would have be impossible for her to eat there, so I decided to gather the kids up and head home.  Logan would not get out of the play tubes.  With Eden screaming behind me and Logan ignoring me, I finally worked out to trick to get him to come out.  I told him, “look at that pink tube slide, can you go down that big boy slide?”  And it worked!  squeaking his feet the whole way, he slide down very slowly.  Once he got to the end, dad tried to grab him, but he slipped away and started to go back up the slide.  I be damned if he escape again, so I crawled my ass halfway up that slide and grabbed onto his feet then yanked him back down.  Victory!!  With Eden screaming and two kids in tow, we all left.  
Poor Eden was past being hungry and started screaming hysterically, so on the way home, I pulled over in a park parking lot, threw my phone to Logan to occupy him and started to feed Eden.  She ate for about 10 minutes and was happy again.  I quickly changed her wet diaper and put her back in the car seat.  
At this point, I should have went home, but I needed to pick up ribbon for Chad’s light project and since we were very close to Michael’s I went for it. I
Fourty minutes later, we finally leave Michael’s.  It takes a long time to shop with all three kids.  Although they were well behaved in the store, Logan had to potty and each of them wanted to stop and look at stuff.  We shopped at a snail’s pace.  Nevertheless, I was able to get what I needed and we headed home.
A few blocks from the house Logan says he has to go potty AGAIN!  How many times can a kid pee in less than two hours.  I coached him on how to hold and squeeze tight so nothing comes out, and I speed home.
We get home and I rush him into the potty, throw down his shorts and underoos and seat him on the potty.  The he starts screaming about wanting his shoes and shorts off.  In an earlier post I mentioned how Logan prefers to potty naked and how I plan to remedy that, so I stuck to my guns and did not help him get his shoes off.  Normally Logan can maneuver his own shoes, but when his sweaty feet are in sandals and he is on the potty with no leverage, getting them off is difficult.  
Not helping him turned into a blowout fit, with him spitting and screaming, all while sitting on the toilet.  I did not cave though!  I shut the  door and let him work it out!  Where is Eden in all this, oh yeah, in her bed screaming bloody murder because she is really tired, but can’t fall asleep. April, my angel, is already in the backyard playing with Darwin.
I call Chad and share all the craziness with him, hoping to take a breather and it works.  Just being able to tell him makes me feel better and after that we had a good 35 minutes of peace.  We ate a quiet lunch of leftover chinese food and I enjoyed the re-instated calm.
Things were nice.  Eden was asleep, lunch was cleaned-up and all was well, but then Eden woke up crying because she was hungry.  Eden being hungry so close to Logan’s bedtime prompted me to put him to bed a few minutes early, so letting Eden cry for a couple minutes, I took Logan potty (I know what you are thinking-potty again!  But I always take him just before naps- it ensures I don’t have to change peed sheets, potentially making less work for me)  Ok, so I took Logan potty and was impressed that he climbed up on the toilet seat without needing a stool or potty seat.....little did I know....He pees right on me.  He was unable to hold himself up on the seat with no stool to brace himself so when he peed it streamed horizontal, right at me.  OI guess he still needs a potty seat and stool!  
I get him and me cleaned up, put him to bed, then head in to feed Eden.  She eats for a few minutes, poops then falls asleep.  I wake her up, change her, then finish feeding her.  She is again bright eyed and bushy tailed, so we head into my bedroom together so she can relax on the bed and I can re-read my action plans to see how I could have prevented the crazy morning.  
Right Now, Eden is laying next to me, lulled to sleep by the sound of me clicking letters on the keyboard.  April has found solace in her ipod and I was thinking I might sneak a few zzzs myself. Awwwwww too late.  I hear Logan getting up from his nap a mere hour after he fell asleep.  Oh well, it has been said before that there is no rest for mothers!


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